Fertility Online is a different fertility blog, it shows information about scientific, medical facts and ongoing research. It has been possible to link Human Reproduction with physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, quantum mechanics, mathematics, ethics and philosophy.
The following video is courtesy of UFO Disclosure Group. Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?” This is his answer. Post by UFO Disclosure Group.
Zen Training: Methods and Philosophy (Shambhala Classics) | Review by Lucy Coleman. Amazon Review: Zen Training is a comprehensive handbook for zazen, seated meditation practice, and an authoritative presentation of the Zen path. The book marked a turning point in Zen literature in its critical reevaluation of the enlightenment experience, which the author believes has … Continue reading »
There is an extensive information regarding the main causes of infertility. There are biological physical causes related to our bodies and non-biological related to our energy and well-being. Regarding to biological causes we can separate them in female and masculine causes. The female causes are: – Ovulation disorders: these ones can be related to … Continue reading »
Yoga is one of the six fundamental systems of Indian thought, collectively known as Darsana. It can mean sight, view, interpreted as a view inside ourselves. Another meaning of Yoga is “to attain what was previously unattainable”, something that we are unable to do today. Yoga is the change we accept in our lives … Continue reading »
I went through a very rough time a few weeks ago. Was very ill and unable to perform my work properly, reason why I decided to get a few weeks completely off. My illness increased some of my psychological symptoms of claustrophobia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and even panic attacks developed as consequence of the awful … Continue reading »
I am writing this article because it has been one of the common questions patients, colleagues and friends ask me frequently. How did I start a fertility business from scratch? Especially in a country where the political and financial situation is getting worse every day. The idea came to me one day sitting with my … Continue reading »
Legal Conceptions: The Evolving Law and Policy of Assisted Reproductive Technologies 1st Edition | Review by Lucy Coleman. I went to one of Dr. Crockin’s conferences a few years ago. I was amazed by the knowledge she has in the legal field regarding human reproduction. Despite being such a sterile field a few years back, … Continue reading »
The article "Legal Conceptions: The Evolving Law and Policy of Assisted Reproductive Technologies 1st Edition" appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net
The Art of Just Sitting: Essential Writings on the Zen Practice of Shikantaza | Review by Lucy Coleman. Amazon Review: Shikantaza–or “just sitting”–is one of the simplest, most subtle forms of meditation, and one of the most easily misunderstood. This peerless volume brings together a wealth of writings, from the Buddha himself to Bodhidharma and … Continue reading »
Essential Reproduction | Review by Lucy Coleman. Amazon Review: First Prize in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology category at the British Medical Association Book Awards 2008 Essential Reproduction provides an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to the study of reproduction for students taking courses in reproductive physiology in a wide range of subjects, from medicine and midwifery … Continue reading »
Si pudiera manifestar todos los sentimientos que me producen el escribir este artículo en especial no sería posible describirlos todos porque la mayoría son realmente indescriptibles. Por lo que deseo comenzar con una historia que comenzó siendo triste y que se transformó en una de las historias mas hermosas que haya conocido. Durante muchos … Continue reading »
A few years ago when my interesting and long quest in the fertility world started I was, as most of humans are, totally oblivious of the great power we all have with the most complex and interesting working-machine called BRAIN. The power of our brain is limitless, and each one of us posses the … Continue reading »
The menstrual cycle is by far one of the most elegant physiologic phenomena occurring in the woman. Normal menstruation is defined as the periodic efflux of the sloughed endometrium and blood out of the uterine cavity into the vagina and ultimately outside of a woman’s body. There are many different cultural beliefs, myths, … Continue reading »
To study several years, and to finally become a biologists or a medical doctor it takes years, not easy at all. Some people study several years and decide to pursue their career as researchers or physicians. I believe just the brave ones go unto the world of becoming an embryologist. I had he … Continue reading »
A challenge you think? Well no. It is not a challenge. It is actually easier than what you’ve been thinking. It is a matter of attitude towards life. I usually encounter patients and friends who complaint too much about their lives. Because they do not like their jobs, because they do not like the partner … Continue reading »
I am amazed of how ironic life can be. Anything happens without a cause or reason, there is no luck. Every person that crosses your life has a meaning. Either you play a role for them or they will play a role for you. No matter of small or fleeting your interactions, there are … Continue reading »
Fertility Market We have a range of products dedicated to people’s wellbeing. They can be used for fertility purposes, as well as many other purposes. You will find creative ideas and natural organic products like our famous Arnica Salve, which is our best seller. This salve has been formulated specially for every single symptom present … Continue reading »
Hace días que estoy pensando en escribir este artículo, pero no es fácil describir con palabras los hechos que he entendido de una persona particular que existe en mi vida que ha vivido cosas increíbles y mantiene un espíritu de optimismo inigualable. En los últimos tres años he vivido experiencias que han cambiado … Continue reading »
The Skinny Rules: The Simple, Nonnegotiable Principles for Getting to Thin | Review by Lucy Coleman. Comment: Bob Harper has been my trainer guru. A friend recommended me his book a few years ago, and my life changed. I feel I live with his rules in my head all the time. I learned to respect … Continue reading »
In occasions we have to make decisions that will definitely impact the future of the world in many ways. Some people argued that being gay comes with genetics. There is a great article about this topic I would like to refer to ( In this study Kenrick Vezina makes a pretty good work at understanding … Continue reading »
Past, present, future. Infertility was, is and will still being a challenge in the world, actually it is increasing dramatically and will become a bigger challenge than what it is today. We Doctors strive to learn more and more everyday about the peculiar behaviors of Mother Nature, however we still far from the truth. My … Continue reading »
Once I met a man who was an excellent person, he exceeded everybody’s expectation of being clever, human, humble, terribly handsome and rich. It was the perfect combination. For me it was peculiar to find him alone and with no many friends around in his life. The day I met him we … Continue reading »
To use the Ovulation Calculator click here: http://www.fertilityonline.net/blog/calendar-ovulation-calculator.htm http://www.fertilityonline.net a different fertility blog by Lucy Coleman. Visit also https://goo.gl/s0hqAG and https://goo.gl/EPavyo . . How to Use the Ovulation Calculator. Ovulation Calculator Online User Guide . In fertility time is crucial. Whenever you decide to have a baby time will become one of your most precious allies. Through this Ovulation Calculator Online you will have the opportunity to predict the chances of getting pregnant and even it might possible to choose the sex of the future baby. It is important to know when the ovulation will occur during the cycle. Some cycles are short and some long, normally every 28 days. This Ovulation Calendar Online will help you to determine the days during the cycle you will be the most fertile. Find out when can you increase the chances of your desired pregnancy. The results obtained in this conception calculator regarding the fertile days and ovulation days are approximated and might not be exact. The fertility in every woman is completely different, and these period calculator are based in the overall population of fertile women. It is actually very simple to use our Ovulation Calendar. Patients usually like to know exactly the days they are the most fertile, the days they are likely to conceive a boy or a girl, the days they might deliver the baby, and to make sure they can stick to their calendar days. Remember here we are talking about the menstrual cycle. Nature has been designed to be unpredictable and unexpected at times, for that reason it is advisable to allow a few differences when it comes to have exact dates, specially if the patient has a history of irregular menstrual cycles. For those patients whose irregular cycles have been a issue it is advisable to check with their specialists if they are candidates to use this ovulation calendar, because the dates might not be accurate for them. For patients with regular cycles this option is really useful. They can write their date of the last menstrual period, the usual length of their period and the calculator will do the rest showing the date of the next menstrual period, the ovulation days, the likelihood of having intercourse in certain days to increase the chances of having a baby boy or girl. There is also a great tool available of the calculation of the body mass index (BMI) when the patient provides the weight and height. This tool is really good because it will advice the patient regarding their lifestyle and choices. A BMI over the normal range will recommend the patient to try losing some weight, as we know an increase in fat tissue affects fertility outcomes. The same applies for a BMI under the normal ranges, because this will indicate the patient needs to eat healthy to increase the chances of success, and being underweight alters the normal hormonal functioning. A normal BMI will relief the patient regarding the current weight, and will indicate there might be other reasons contributing with the lack of success in their fertility attempts. Age is another important parameter I wanted to include in my ovulation calculator, because it is necessary for patients to know if their age is over 35 years the egg quality decreases exponentially, and this ovulation calculator might not be the right tool for them to achieve success in natural attempts to conceive. Tags: ovulation calendar, calendar ovulation, ovulation calendar download, ovulation calendar chart, best ovulation calendar, calculate ovulation, fertile calendar, fertile days calculator, menstrual calculator, menstruation calendar, menstrual cycle calculator, menstrual cycle calendar, menstruation calculator, ovulation calculator, ovulation day calculator, ovulation date calculator, ovulation tracker, safe days calculator, safe period calculator For more information contact us: info@fertilityonline.net http://www.fertilityonline.net/blog/calendar-ovulation-calculator.htm http://www.fertilityonline.net a different fertility blog by Lucy Coleman. Visit also https://goo.gl/s0hqAG and https://goo.gl/EPavyo .
One day I read someone’s article stating that in this lifetime she could not be happy with any men she had a relationship with, and that she knew perhaps he did not come to this lifetime this time to meet her. By the time I read the article I did not know the things I … Continue reading »
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility: The Requisites in Obstetrics & Gynecology | Review by Lucy Coleman. This is my favourite book in human reproduction. It is very concise, complete and explains the exact subjects that every specialist in human reproduction needs to know. I carry it with me everywhere. The section about steroids and prostaglandins is … Continue reading »
Honestly, with the range of products available everywhere to treat so many problems, I am loving these arnica salves now. They were specially created for yoga practitioners, although can be used for any other sport or any person looking to alleviate symptoms, side effects, muscle aches, etc. I use these creams every single day … Continue reading »
There is a huge lot of information out there these days regarding assisted reproduction and fertility. We can find implications, consequences, side effects, results, probabilities, etc. All this information seems useful for patients to understand what they are going through, and the chances of success. Personally, as a former patient in fertility, I understand the … Continue reading »