jueves, 30 de mayo de 2019

Fertility Online Booking System

Our improved booking system just got better. Now you will be able to select your appointment time, and to make your payment in just one place. As simple as you wanted! have a look to our video and we welcome you to try the system.

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C6jASUdNyk Hemos olvidado ser amables y esto nos ha llevado al aumento en la deshumanización. Necesitamos volver a nuestras raíces y recordar que todos somos de la misma especie, y podemos ayudarnos. https://www.lucycolemanlife.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVmNUAFxMsU&t=4s

Como lograr Auto sanación (tercera parte)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0iVo81NRI0&t=1s Mi viaje de autosanación ha sido maravilloso, y por eso quiero compartirlo con ustedes. Es posible. https://www.lucycolemanlife.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX_IVwpYTuY&t=477s

How to be nice - Kindness

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DawgEK9muY Kindness is an important trait for humans to be more humans. The problem of society today is that we have forgotten to be kind to each other, and that has led us to de-humanization. Let's bring kindness back, and practice it every day with those around you. https://www.lucycolemanlife.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1YuArSkSgs

How to get self-healing. Video 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TivZYFlbX8 My self healing process has been amazing. I have to say that I do believe in the great power of the mind to heal anything in the body, specially when we are able to establish that subtle connection between body and mind. This is my third video of the self-healing series and I hope to be able to help others going through chronic disease as well. The link to the Hypnocell® programme is https://www.hypnocell.com https://www.lucycolemanlife.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnDuSJPeip0&t=1s

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

How can I tell my family and friends I have been challenged in the fertility area?

How can I tell my family and friends I have been challenged in the fertility area?

It is a big pressure to see that your friends and family are having babies, starting their families without problems, and you are still fighting to conceive. It can be caused for many factors, maybe you or your partner are the ones with the problem. However, it does not matter who is the one to … Continue reading "How can I tell my family and friends I have been challenged in the fertility area?"

The post How can I tell my family and friends I have been challenged in the fertility area? appeared first on Fertility Online.

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The article "How can I tell my family and friends I have been challenged in the fertility area?" appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019

If I don’t find you in this life, I will look for you in the next one.

If I don’t find you in this life, I will look for you in the next one.

One day I read someone’s article stating that in this lifetime she could not be happy with any men she had a relationship with, and that she knew perhaps he did not come to this lifetime this time to meet her. By the time I read the article I did not know the things I … Continue reading "If I don’t find you in this life, I will look for you in the next one."

The post If I don’t find you in this life, I will look for you in the next one. appeared first on Fertility Online.

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The article "If I don’t find you in this life, I will look for you in the next one." appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2019

Como enfocarse? Un consejo para madres

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBcg90Z2uek La maternidad nos lleva muchas veces a realizar tantas cosas a la vez, que nos olvidamos muchas veces de nuestros objetivos reales. Para las madres el perderse en una misma y sentir que el tiempo vuela es algo muy común. Acá les comento lo que me funciona personalmente. https://www.youtube.com/lucycoleman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft1a1iCLtDA&t=592s

How to Focus in life? Advice for mothers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFkEmlaTxxA Being a mother can be hard, and in occasions it make us lose our way. My moto for everything in life has been FOCUS, and I believe it can be the best tool to succeed in life and with our motherhood journey. https://www.youtube.com/lucycoleman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni_WdMZ9wak&t=9s

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019

De qué forma me puede ayudar Fertility Online con mis problemas?

De qué forma me puede ayudar Fertility Online con mis problemas?

Desde que comencé a escribir este blog he recibido muchísimas preguntas de pacientes que mas que todo se han encontrado desorientadas y perdidas en cuanto a que realmente hacer con su problema de infertilidad.   Poco a poco fui recopilando las preguntas mas frecuentes y los motivos de consulta mas comunes en cuanto a las … Continue reading "De qué forma me puede ayudar Fertility Online con mis problemas?"

The post De qué forma me puede ayudar Fertility Online con mis problemas? appeared first on Fertility Online.

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The article "De qué forma me puede ayudar Fertility Online con mis problemas?" appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net