lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

Embryologist, the best job in the world!

Embryologist, the best job in the world!

    To study several years, and to finally become a biologists or a medical doctor it takes years, not easy at all. Some people study several years and decide to pursue their career as researchers or physicians. I believe just the brave ones go unto the world of becoming an embryologist. I had he … Continue reading »

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martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Talking about ironies.

Talking about ironies.

  I am amazed of how ironic life can be. Anything happens without a cause or reason, there is no luck. Every person that crosses your life has a meaning. Either you play a role for them or they will play a role for you. No matter of small or fleeting your interactions, there are … Continue reading »

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sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques

Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques

Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques | Review by Lucy Coleman. This is a book that every student in the scientific or medical field, with high inclinations in the fertility area should have. It is very comprehensive and Dr. Gardner has paid lots of attention to several important factors involved in the laboratories of reproduction. It … Continue reading »

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miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

The Awakening.

The Awakening.

A few nights ago before my yoga class with my teacher Doug Hayward I had a moment of what I call “continuing removing of the veil”. I was sitting there thinking about how grateful I felt for what I have right now in my life, I received the news from colleagues confirming positive pregnancies of … Continue reading »

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domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

The era of the Back-ups. Fertility cryopreservation.

The era of the Back-ups. Fertility cryopreservation.

As we all know, this is an era of a staggering increase of people looking to back-up their gametes in order to preserve their genetics and future fertility. We see advertisements offering women the opportunity to save their eggs, in places called Cryobanks. Their offer is focused in women as well as men. We know … Continue reading »

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jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

How do embryologists select the best embryos?

How do embryologists select the best embryos?

The procedure of in vitro fertilization is complex and involves several important and necessary steps in order to increase the chances of success. The scientific personnel needs to be prepared for any last minute event that might arise as consequence of dealing with live cells. These gametes can show different behaviors at any moment during … Continue reading »

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miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

Fertilidad y Cancer

Valerosas sobrevivientes de Cancer que luego de extensas terapias con químicos y radiación confían plenamente en la respuesta de su organismo y logran ser madres. Este es un bellísimo testimonio de que la confianza, perseverancia y sobre todo la esperanza son componentes esenciales para lograr cualquier meta que nos propongamos.

Saul y Yelix, nuestros consentidos pacientes Fertiaguerrevere

Ellos lucharon en todo momento y lograron el milagro y la Victoria cuando Victoria llegó a sus vidas. Les compartimos su testimonio especial.

La alegria del éxito en Medicina Reproductiva

Ana y Hector fueron de los pacientes mas especiales que hemos tenido en la clínica. Su perseverancia y seguridad en el éxito fue la mayor ventaja que tuvieron sobre todos los inconvenientes que pudieron presentarse en el camino. Ellos mostraron que cuando se cree en uno mismo y en el equipo de trabajo pues el milagro de la vida se abre camino. Ellos realizaron todo lo que se les indicó y nunca dudaron del criterio de sus médicos. Ahora están en la dulce espera.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Amor verdadero por la medicina reproductiva

El verdadero milagro de crear vida y de dar tanta felicidad a un paciente que ha buscado esta dicha por años. No tiene precio el ver la enorme felicidad que estos hermosos seres traen a sus vidas.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Fertility Market

Fertility Market

Fertility Market We have a range of products dedicated to people’s wellbeing. They can be used for fertility purposes, as well as many other purposes. You will find creative ideas and natural organic products like our famous Arnica Salve, which is our best seller. This salve has been formulated specially for every single symptom present … Continue reading »

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viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

10 things patients undergoing fertility treatments should not listen to.

10 things patients undergoing fertility treatments should not listen to.

  It is already hard to decide to undergo a fertility procedure. Long waits at the clinic, facing difficult tests, questioning your lifestyle, making assumptions of the percentage of success, giving personal details about your sex lifestyle, etc. There are so many things that we can mention here and the list is endless. However, there … Continue reading »

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martes, 3 de mayo de 2016

Astral City. Where are we going to?

Astral City. Where are we going to?

There are reasons and sense for everything in life and the afterlife. I just watched this movie and think everyone in the awakening process should watch it too:  

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