jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018

Bravery, inner quality of an organ donor. Expectancy of an organ recipient.

Bravery, inner quality of an organ donor. Expectancy of an organ recipient.

A few days ago I received an email from a dearest friend named Luciano Guido. Every year he remembers the anniversary of his Dad’s kidney transplant done 33 years ago. A procedure that allows his father to live longer thanks to the science and skills of the specialists performing it. He was the first patient … Continue reading "Bravery, inner quality of an organ donor. Expectancy of an organ recipient."

The post Bravery, inner quality of an organ donor. Expectancy of an organ recipient. appeared first on Fertility Online.

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The article "Bravery, inner quality of an organ donor. Expectancy of an organ recipient." appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net

martes, 21 de agosto de 2018

8 questions to ask your fertility doctor

Do you wonder what should you ask once you get your first appointment with your fertility doctor? https://www.fertilityonline.net I am sharing with you a list of 8 questions I consider the most important and enlightened ones during the beginning of your fertility journey. Copy them and take them with you to your first consultation. They will help you a lot to get to know your fertility team and to get that important feedback once you make the decision to start your fertility journey. https://www.youtube.com/lucycoleman You are welcome to follow my social media: Instagram: @lu.coleman Twitter: @lucoleman Facebook: lucycolemanlife

Yogi's Mood Support

Needing a mood support? Yogi's mood formula goes a long way as a great mood enhancer. https://www.yogiss.com This formula contains natural ingredients that will help you go through your day easily and without stress. Just relax and let it work. As any natural mood enhancing formula you need to let it work, and will see the results. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DLFTMRY It is available on Amazon as Yogi's mood formula, a mood enhancer that will definitely help you to be happier and balanced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fnkmx_566M

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

Do we need to go back in time to live today?

Do we need to go back in time to live today?

I went through a very rough time a few weeks ago. Was very ill and unable to perform my work properly, reason why I decided to get a few weeks completely off. My illness increased some of my psychological symptoms of claustrophobia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and even panic attacks developed as consequence of the awful … Continue reading "Do we need to go back in time to live today?"

The post Do we need to go back in time to live today? appeared first on Fertility Online.

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The article "Do we need to go back in time to live today?" appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

The Ovulation Calendar Works!

At the very beginning, when you are looking to conceive one of the most crucial steps consists on making notes about your ovulation calendar, to get control of the length and behaviour of your cycle. https://www.fertilityonline.net Once you make notes of the days, and do this consistently for at least three months, then it would be possible to have an idea of how things are moving and the possible causes of not conceiving. We do offer a great service of fertility coaching all the way from the beginning of the fertility journey, and you can take control of your body. Have a look at our services: http://www.fertilityonline.net/appointments

sábado, 11 de agosto de 2018

Science Fiction book release Isabel's bridges

Another excellent review from Isabel's bridges. https://www.isabelsbridges.com A thrilling science fiction series telling the story about two souls travelling across the system of universes, fighting and resisting against their forbidden love, to be together someday. This is a story that will keep the reader hooked from the beginning. https://www.youtube.com/lucycoleman

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

Want to know your fertile days?

The ovulation calendar is the best way to get to know your fertile days. https://www.fertilityonline.net Just check the first day of your menstrual period and that will be your first day of the cycle. Keep a record of the next months and days in-between, that way you will know the length of your cycle. It is easy and will help you to know your fertile days. Fertility patients are usually looking to know more about their cycle, and this is a easy and convenient way to take control of your fertility. As a fertility doctor I like to encourage patients to make notes of their fertile days. Have a look at my ovulation calculator here: http://www.fertilityonline.net/blog/calendar-ovulation-calculator.htm

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018

The best electrolytes now

Yogi's electrolyte endurance boost are great. A brand new electrolyte replacement elaborated and tested by physicians. https://www.yogiss.com They provide all the hydration needed during endurance sports, long-haul or frequent flying, outdoor activities and work, a long tiring day at work, and any disease that can cause dehydration as a side effect. They are available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CJG4WGB These electrolytes provide with the right and exact amount of components that will work great for your dehydration symptoms, and for any activity that can cause dehydration. Just try them and see the difference. Everybody else is now loving these. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8oZE3gXOJs&t=10s

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

Best science fiction book of the year

Isabel's bridges is the science fiction book series of the year. A love story filled with thrilling events that will keep you in the system of universes from the first moment. https://www.youtube.com/lucycoleman Ypu will get involved with this intense story that tells the quest of Alex and Isabel to be together in universes that have difficult rules to deal with. https://www.amazon.com/author/lucycoleman

Yogis electrolytes endurance boost

Yogis has the best electrolytes used for rehydration and electrolyte balance. https://www.yogiss.com Our electrolytes are the best and they work replenishing the water loss, specially during exposure to high temperatures and endurance sports. They also work great as hangover cure after a long night out enjoying. Just take one daily and see the difference. https://www.youtube.com/lucycoleman You won't feel the side effects that other electrolytes have. These electrolyte capsules won't leave a salty taste in your mouth. They are the best endurolytes to work with you body's water balance.