Fertility Online is a different fertility blog, it shows information about scientific, medical facts and ongoing research. It has been possible to link Human Reproduction with physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, quantum mechanics, mathematics, ethics and philosophy.
miércoles, 31 de julio de 2019
How people in their 40's got used to technology?
In our 40's now we have gone through a whole process of technology that seems to be increasing daily. The exciting thing about us people in our 40's is the capacity to adapt and to continue. It was funny the day I heard of something called the internet, and had to go through a process of learning, and to develop a way of using it on my favor. We went through all these waves of change and the introduction of a fast-growing resource that will still bringing more surprises and technologic advances. People in the 40's are a great generation of emerging technology and self-learning, and the manpower available today is huge and competitive. For that I believe internet is here to stay for a long time. It is up to us to allow it or no. If you are like me in your 40's then let's start by acknowledging and welcome his new technologic era in 2019. This years has come with huge changes. What to do in your 40's? Change your mind first. Then plan ahead. Life lessons in your 40's (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #LIFEAFTER40 #WOMENAFTER40 #PERSONALDEVELOPMENT #GIRBOSS #LIFELESSONS Music: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/
viernes, 26 de julio de 2019
The cocktail of stress hormones.
Stress is a condition that we do know now it can be harmful for our body to function properly. Countless
The post The cocktail of stress hormones. appeared first on Fertility Online.
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The article "The cocktail of stress hormones." appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net
jueves, 25 de julio de 2019
Cosas que hacer a los 40 años en el 2019
Ya sabemos que muchas cosas suceden a los 40 años, y que todo es cuestión de actitud. En este mundo cambiante y movido del 2019 es recomendable que los que ya estamos en esta hermosa etapa de los 40 internalicemos que no hay problema en comenzar a pensar en nuestro bienestar y en lo que queremos. Nos merecemos una vida de tranquilidad y paz, y podemos comenzar por determinaciones de vida que nos impulsen a tomar las decisions mas convenientes y saludables para nosotros. Es cuestión de saber lo que necesitas internalizar, y realizarlo todos los días como un hábito repetitivo hasta que realmente te lo creas y sigas viviendo en tranquilidad. Estas cosas que hacer a los 40 años son efectivas y duraderas, y te ayudarán a comprender los cambios de esta etapa y a entrar en la próxima con mas sabiduría y realización. Cosas que hacer a los 40 años en el 2019 (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #CUARENTONAS #VIDADESPUESDELOS40 #CAMBIOSALOS40 #40AÑOS MusicA: www.bensound.com Video edited bY Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE COACHING" ACÁ ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/
Things to do in your 40's in 2019
Let's start by acknowledging that we are already on a different stage of our lives, and things won't be the same as they used to be before. But this is a huge advantage for us because it gives us the opportunity to change. This video is about the things you should start doing with yourself in order to acknowledge your new stage, and to embrace it with happiness. The 40's are really nice, and gives us chances to accommodate fears, frustrations, and doubts into another place where they will no longer bother us. This is also your chance. If you are like me in your 40's then let's start by acknowledging and welcome his new technologic era in 2019. This years has come with huge changes. What to do in your 40's? Change your mind first. Then plan ahead. Life lessons in your 40's (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #LIFEAFTER40 #WOMENAFTER40 #PERSONALDEVELOPMENT #GIRBOSS #LIFELESSONS Music: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/
viernes, 19 de julio de 2019
Lecciones de vida a los 40 anos
La vida continua a los 40, y con esta nueva etapa continúa un nuevo crecimiento personal que nos lleva a revivir momentos claves y a comprender los hechos que hayan ocurrido. Todo esto como lecciones de vida. Es maravilloso el crecimiento y las experiencias luego de los 40 años que nos ayudan en todo este proceso de seguir adelante y de los muchos aprendizajes que ahora habitan en nosotros. Ahora en mi línea de luego de los 40 quiero conversarles acerca de las lecciones de vida que hemos aprendido, y lo mucho que nos ayudarán a seguir adelante y a seguir creciendo. Es hermoso cuando muchas personas manifiestan emociones y vivencias similares, y es lo que sucedió con mis personas fuentes de esta información, que todas experimentaron juntas muchas de estas vivencias. Lecciones de vida a los 40 años (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #CRECIMIENTOPERSONAL #CAMBIOSALOS40 #40AÑOS MusicA: www.bensound.com Video edited bY Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE COACHING" ACÁ ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/
Las águilas y el halcón
Por Félix Jelinek Un día el águila mayor de luz me dijo: “si quieres volar tan alto como yo,
The post Las águilas y el halcón appeared first on Fertility Online.
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The article "Las águilas y el halcón" appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net
jueves, 18 de julio de 2019
Life lessons in your 40's
It is really amazing to reach the 40's, and it can also be a scary experience when we start having doubts about the wisdom acquired in our 30's. Do you think all the experiences you already had in our 30's don't count? Heck no! 30's are no joke, and it allow us to get lots of wisdom that we will use in our 40's. So our 40's are years of lots of wisdom and changes that come in our way inevitably, and will challenge us to apply all of that wisdom we already have. You have come a long way in this life and this will be a great opportunity to apply all of your life experiences. Life lessons in our 40's are amazing, and as scary as it sounds to be 40 I can guarantee you this will not be the case. You are an amazing person that will go through a lot with gracefulness. You will laugh with life. LIFE LESSONS are an example of living a fulfilling life with lots of experiences as opportunities to grow. And now you are stronger and wiser than ever. Embrace it. Life lessons in your 40's (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #LIFEAFTER40 #WOMENAFTER40 #PERSONALDEVELOPMENT #GIRBOSS #LIFELESSONS Music: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/
miércoles, 17 de julio de 2019
Cómo es la vida después de los 40 en el 2019?
Has considerado alguna vez cómo es la vida luego de los 40? Y todos los cambios que suceden cuando cumplimos 40 años? En este año 2019 han habido muchos avances tecnológicos que nos han hecho movernos rápido al ritmo de todos los avances. Sin embargo, hemos logrado convertirnos en la generación de cambios. Cómo han tomado esta etapa de sus vidas? Han disfrutado el tener ya 40 o más? Es importante que disfruten sus momentos y que tomen lo mejor de esta experiencia. Es una experiencia maravillosa con cambios que vamos a experimentar paulatinamente. Les estoy dando datos interesantes que vivimos una vez que cumplimos los 40. Estoy segura que se sentirán relacionados con varios de ellos, porque suceden a todos. Los cambios siempre asustan, pero los vas a poder experimentar sobre todo si mantienes tu red de amistades y familiares a tu lado, ellos son los mejores apoyos deranges los cambios de nuestras vidas. Cómo es la vida luego de los 40 en 2019? (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #CRECIMIENTO #PERSONAL #VIDA #DESPUES #40 #AÑOS MusicA: www.bensound.com Video edited bY Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE COACHING" ACÁ ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/
martes, 16 de julio de 2019
Life after 40 in 2019
have you considered how life can be after you reach your 40's, especially during 2019 when so many changes and scientific advances keep going on? How can you embrace this stage of your life and make the most of it? How can you make sure it gives you the best possible experience? By acknowledging this is a really great stage and accepting the changes that come with it. Here I am giving you 20 facts that happen during your 40's, and you might definitely feel related to some of them. I am over 40 and have embraced this stage with gracefulness and acceptance, you can do it too. CHANGES can be scary, but you can do it by using your safety network of people surrounding you that love you and support you all the way. Being 40 is amazing, and it comes with great challenges. How is Life after 40 in 2019 (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #LIFEGOALS #PERSONALGROWTH #YOUTUBE #LIFEAFTER40 #WOMENAFTER40 #40 YEARS OLD Music: www.bensound.com Video edited bY Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/
domingo, 14 de julio de 2019
Como funciona Fertility Online?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfjUjP_fLMg Fertility Online es un sistema que ha estado funcionando desde hace unos años brindando asesoría, consejos, orientación y respuestas para pacientes de fertilidad. Ha sido un largo camino recorrido lleno de mucha aceptación y de historias y testimonios que nos han impulsado a seguir adelante. Nuestras redes: Website: https://www.fertilityonline.net Facebook: Fertility Online Instagram://www.instagram.com/fertilityonline Twitter://www.twitter.com/fertilityon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh-1iQ0NQJU
How Fertility Online works?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NVMDepelS8 This is how Fertility Online works and why we have been so successful through the years. Our goal is to provide guidance, advice and Q&A sessions to fertility patients, and to offer MIND-BODY programs that have showed to improve the success rates in terms of pregnancy. We are working hard every single day to cover as many patients as possible, and keep adding more supporting material for those that are on our wait list or have inconvenience getting appointments with us. Either way we are here for you, and do our best to help. VISIT OUR SOCIAL SITES: Website: https://www.fertilityonline.net Instagram: https://www/instagram.com/fertilityonline Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/fertilityon Facebook page: Fertility Online https://youtu.be/VS00wEDOlMs
Cómo escribí mi primer libro?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhRdzomsWuw Escribir mi primer libro fué toda una aventura y no quedó allí ya que decidí seguir escribiendo mas libros y compartiendo mis conocimientos. Me gusta compartirlos. El mundo de Amazon Kindle es todo un mundo distinto al que conocemos de publicar. Hay que conocer muchas estrategias y buscar a los mentores adecuados. Seguiré compartiendo con ustedes estas experiencias. MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman
How to find inspiration to write a book?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhRdzomsWuw It took me some time to get the inspiration to write my books, but I did it at the end. I am starting to share how I got my inspiration and the things that helped me to overcome my fears to do it not being a writer before. Sounds good to you? Visit my page https://www.lucycoleman.com for more tips. SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter: https://twitter.com/lucoleman *** PRIVATE 1:1 COACHING PROGRAM*** https://www.lucycolemanlife/coaching
viernes, 12 de julio de 2019
Sacrificios para el éxito?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bffl449BC4I Son muchas las ocasiones en las que nos detenemos a pensar en los sacrificios que realizamos en muchos momentos de nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, cuando estos sacrificios producen felicidad y plenitud realmente son positivos y son experiencias aprendidas de logros mediante esfuerzos. Así lo veo. https://www.lucycolemanlife.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyPXyeDSXQU&t=76s
Sacrifices in life to succeed?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yw7HSPsXWE Do we really make sacrifices in life for what we love? Here is my experience. https://www.lucycolemanlife.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANmKuKl0PV4&t=42s
Lucy Coleman Life Manifesto
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf6aFwzozM0&t=88s To me life has been a river filled with knowledge, experiences, and emotions that have shaken me to the core. I have loved this experience and I believe love is my birth right, the same way is for you. This is what I repeat to myself every single day since I realised I have the right to be happy. http://www.lucycolemanlife.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLjDSOBaNpk&t=5s
sábado, 6 de julio de 2019
Sacrifices to succeed?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yw7HSPsXWE Do we really make sacrifices in life for what we love? Here is my experience. https://www.lucycolemanlife.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANmKuKl0PV4&t=42s
Sacrificios para el éxito?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bffl449BC4I Son muchas las ocasiones en las que nos detenemos a pensar en los sacrificios que realizamos en muchos momentos de nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, cuando estos sacrificios producen felicidad y plenitud realmente son positivos y son experiencias aprendidas de logros mediante esfuerzos. Así lo veo. https://www.lucycolemanlife.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyPXyeDSXQU&t=76s
viernes, 5 de julio de 2019
Biological Thermodynamics
Biological Thermodynamics | Review by Lucy Coleman. I wrote an interesting article regarding thermodynamics thanks to this book. I am
The post Biological Thermodynamics appeared first on Fertility Online.
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The article "Biological Thermodynamics" appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net