martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Self-healing. A mind command I am today eager to share with you my journey with self-healing. I have been through this twice before in my life and managed to heal myself. This time I am sharing it with with after being diagnosed with a very rare brain pathology named Cavernoma of the small arteries located on the frontal lobe. To be honest I do believe in self-healing as I believe in the power of love, it is real! We will start with this process that I've already started two weeks ago, and you will see the things I am doing to accomplish my healing. If I can do this you can also. Believe in the power of your mind to give commands to your body cells. That is what I work with on my Hypnocell® program, and it has worked wonders with others. You can also check my website for my other projects and links.

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