sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

I obtained my driving license in Saudi Arabia as a woman

Saudi Arabia granted women the right to drive one year ago, a historic move that cracked open a window to new freedoms for women who have long lived under repressive laws. The measure was enacted by the country’s de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who also eased other restrictions on women, leading some to hail him as a feminist reformer. Being there while all these changes were taking place was very special to me, as I've got the opportunity to get my driving license. We were in Saudi Arabia just for 2 years, and I was part of the major changes happening during that time. That is something I will never forget. To be in the right place at the right time. This is my experience and I am sharing it with you because is part of life. I obtained my driving license as a woman in Saudi Arabia (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #WOMENINSAUDIARABIA #SOCIALMEDIA #GIRBOSS #LIFELESSONS Music: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

Como obtuve mi licencia de conducir en Arabia Saudita siendo mujer

Fue histórico cuando un país tan conservador como Arabia Saudita decidió permitir a las mujeres el manejar y obtener licencias de conducir. Afortunadamente pude estar en ese momento histórico y formar parte de esto directamente cuando obtuve mi licencia de conducir árabe. No se imaginan la felicidad que sentí cuando tuve la licencia en mis manos, y cuando finalmente pude manejar fuera del complejo donde vivía y poder respirar la maravillosa libertad de explorar diversas áreas por mi misma. Quiero compartir con ustedes esta experiencia porque seguramente se preguntarán como obtuve mi licencia. Acá les cuento cómo y el proceso que realmente es bastante sencillo. Cómo obtuve mi licencia de conducir en Arabia Saudita siendo mujer (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #MUJERENARABIASAUDITA #VIDAENARABIASAUDITASIENDOMUJER #CAMBIOSALOS40 #40AÑOS MusicA: www.bensound.com Video edited bY Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE COACHING" ACÁ ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019

Vivir en Arabia Saudita siendo mujer

Arabia Saudita es un país del que muy poco sabemos realmente y en ocasiones las noticias nos asustan con el nivel que muestran de ser conservadores en su cultura. Me encanta poder compartir con ustedes lo que fue mi experiencia en Arabia Saudita siendo mujer y como me sentí durante los dos años que vivimos allí. Fue una experiencia única que se vive mucho mejor cuando tenemos la mente abierta para aprender y dejar entrar la esencia de la cultura. Fue realmente una hermosa experiencia y acá les dejo lo mas importante que viví. Vivir en Arabia Saudita como mujer (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #MUJERENARABIASAUDITA #VIDAENARABIASAUDITASIENDOMUJER #CAMBIOSALOS40 #40AÑOS MusicA: www.bensound.com Video edited bY Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE COACHING" ACÁ ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

Life in Saudi Arabia for a woman after 40

Saudi Arabia is a beautiful country filled with great people, and a culture that bases on the belief of their prayers and traditions. My first impression when I got there was to be surprised for how beautiful the place was. And I have to tell you that I moved back to the USA but I missed Saudi a lot. It definitely grew on me. I am sharing in this video tips that helped me to learn a lot more about the country, and my own experience living over there with all the changes that came while I was actually there. It was something like being in the right place at the right time. Women in Saudi Arabia have been through many changes, with a major one that happened over a year ago, and it was the female right to drive. And there are several other changes coming. It is a matter of sit and wait. When I moved there I was already over 40, and the experience was so unique that the things I learnt need to be passed to others that are seeking right answers. Life in Saudi Arabia for a woman over 40 (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #LIFEAFTER40 #WOMENINSAUDIARABIA #SOCIALMEDIA #GIRBOSS #LIFELESSONS Music: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2019

Solteros a los 40

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02OhQgH-k2M Te has preguntado que hacen y piensan esas personas que llegan a los 40 y se encuentran solteros? Crees que sienten tristeza y soledad o que son fracasados porque no han tenido éxito en el amor? Yo me hacía las mismas preguntas y decidí emprender mi análisis entrevistando a mis amigos y allegados solteros. Me sorprendí demasiado, no solo porque todo lo que pensaba que iba a concluir fue completamente distinto, sino que aprendi a ver la vida desde la perspectiva de las personas que se encuentran solas y disfrutando una vida distinta al encontrarse solteros. Quiero compartir con ustedes mis conclusiones que son interesantes y que estoy segura que ustedes tambien se sorprenderán. Así que luego de ver a una persona soltera con mas de 40 van a tener una perspectiva distinta a la que muchos tenemos. Solteros a los 40 (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #CUARENTONAS #VIDADESPUESDELOS40 #CAMBIOSALOS40 #40AÑOS MusicA: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE COACHING" ACÁ ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

Single at 40

People usually think that if someone is single at 40 then there must be something wrong with them. This has always been a conundrum for me and I decided to go out there and ask my single friends about their feelings of being single. The information I got from them surprised me a lot, because most of them seem to be really enjoying their status snd freedom, plus they have a sense of security that makes them feel truly content with their choices. I always though that maybe being single at 40 meant the constant feeling of loneliness, but my quest gave me so many exciting results that showed I was very far away from the true. That is why I am sharing my findings with you right now. If you are now single and in your 40's I am sure this video is right for you. Single at 40 (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #LIFEAFTER40 #SINGLEAT40 #SOCIALMEDIA #GIRBOSS #LIFELESSONS Music: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

How to approach you partner and talk about fertility issues?

How to approach you partner and talk about fertility issues?

As I have mentioned before in previous articles, it is not an easy task to realize the fact of being

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The article "How to approach you partner and talk about fertility issues?" appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net

sábado, 17 de agosto de 2019

Life goals at 40

The life goals at 40 are completely different than the ones we had when we were 20 or 30. Many things change and we get to choose the ones than makes us happy and healthy rather than the other priorities we had before. It gets more exciting because we get to re-evaluate the choices we had before and change completely or modify them to things that are more convenient for our wellbeing. Once we go through the 40's there are many changes that will make us evaluate how much we are able to work for ourselves and our true happiness, now we now things we thought in our 20's or 30's are not the same, and we are aware to be closer to our 50's and are looking to get there with the best possible conditions. That is part of the amazing change in our 40's. I interviews many people and my own friends in their 40's and these are the main life goals they have set for their lives. The generation of 40's is amazing, and it has been providing with lots on insights and new information for those who believed we were just getting older. The best is starting actually. If you are in your 40's like me then have a look to the main life goals for those in our age, and set your own goals too. It will be fun! Life goals at 40 (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #LIFEAFTER40 #WOMENAFTER40 #SOCIALMEDIA #GIRBOSS #LIFELESSONS Music: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

Metas de vida a los 40 años

Cuando llegamos a los 40 años nos hemos planteado nuevas metas de vida sobre las que ya habíamos planteado una vez a los 20 o 30 años. Son otras las prioridades y las cosas que quisieramos lograr. Queremos mas tranquilidad y paz. A los 40 años hay muchos cambios que nos hacen re-evaluar las decisiones que tomamos y los caminos que mas nos hacen felices. Porque ahora es la felicidad y nuestro bienestar lo que nos impulsa a cambiar. Esto siempre será muy positivo. Poco a poco vamos planteándonoslo escenarios distintos y vamos realizando los cambios con tranquilidad, y nos hace felices el poder seguir adelante cumpliendo cada una de las cosas que sabemos que ahora son nuestras prioridades. Las metas de vida a los 40 años son distintas a las metas en otras etapas, y les hablo de ellas según lo que he recolectado con las personas a mi alrededor que se encuentran en los 40 como yo. Metas de vida a los 40 años (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #CUARENTONAS #VIDADESPUESDELOS40 #CAMBIOSALOS40 #40AÑOS MusicA: www.bensound.com Video edited bY Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE COACHING" ACÁ ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2019

Influencia de las redes sociales a los 40

Las redes sociales son medios excelentes para estar en contacto con nuestro entorno, desde donde sea que estemos. Son herramientas que nos acercan mas a personas y que a la vez han servido de medios de conexión, comunicación y contacto con el mundo. Para nosotros los de 40 años las redes sociales han sido un constante mundo de cambios y que se mantienen en muchos mas avances ahora que contamos con tantas redes sociales. A veces puede ser hasta abrumador. Esta confusión no la presenta esta nueva generación, ya que para ellos la tecnología ha sido fácil de comprender. No fue mi caso particular y a mi si que me tomó tiempo adaptarme a los cambios. Vamos a hablar de esto y a reírnos un poco con nuestras anécdotas. Influencia de las redes sociales a los 40 (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #CUARENTONAS #VIDADESPUESDELOS40 #CAMBIOSALOS40 #40AÑOS MusicA: www.bensound.com Video edited bY Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE COACHING" ACÁ ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

Social media influence for people at 40

It has been really funny for us over 40 to get used to the very many ways of making good use of social media, specially when some of us still remember when meeting people and keeping friendships in person was a great way to be connected. Today there is a whole different story. There are no more personal meetings or get together parties like we used to do, now it is about getting connected and writing messages with emotions using our social media. And it seems to be increasing in the last years. Ask anyone in their 40's if they haven't struggle a little bit with technology. I am sure they are still adapting to these many changes. This is a great generation of change and new things, and today social media bring more people together and it has also allowed us to be in touch with friends we haven't seen in a long time. It is a blast! If you are like me in your 40's then let's start by acknowledging and welcome his new technologic era in 2019. This years has come with huge changes. Social media influence at 40. Things we have all been through. Social media influence for people at 40 (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #LIFEAFTER40 #WOMENAFTER40 #SOCIALMEDIA #GIRBOSS #LIFELESSONS Music: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/

Surrogacy. The true gesture of kindness.

Surrogacy. The true gesture of kindness.

There is a whole lot of information regarding this procedure online. There are books informing patients and doctors experiences with

The post Surrogacy. The true gesture of kindness. appeared first on Fertility Online.

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The article "Surrogacy. The true gesture of kindness." appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net

jueves, 1 de agosto de 2019

Cómo las personas a los 40 manejan la tecnología

Quien no pasó por el comienzo del internet y la era de total tecnología que hemos experimentado desde que éramos pequeños? Ahora que tenemos 40 años recordamos cuando comenzó el boom de la tecnología cibernética, cuando las computadoras se hicieron accesibles al público y nosotros terminando de aprender mecanografía con máquinas manuales. Pero luego llegaron las computadoras y todo se hizo mas complejo! Qué epoca mas interesante y hasta divertida el tener que comenzar a aprender como manejar computadoras y conectarnos a la red de internet. Luego han venido tantos avances en menos de 40 años que nos parece increíble cuando miramos hacia atrás a todo lo que hemos avanzado. Han sido años excelente de aprendizaje y mas crecimiento aprendiendo cosas nuevas. Pero la historia de como llegamos hasta acá con la tecnología puede ser contada de muchas formas, y esta es la forma como yo se las contaré a ustedes. Como las personas a los 40 años manejan la tecnología (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #CUARENTONAS #VIDADESPUESDELOS40 #CAMBIOSALOS40 #40AÑOS MusicA: www.bensound.com Video edited bY Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE COACHING" ACÁ ** https://lucycolemanlife.com/coaching/