sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020

Thanks for the knowledge and Thanks for letting me see into your cells.

Thanks for the knowledge and Thanks for letting me see into your cells.

“When I see into the stars, it gets easier for me to understand most of the answers still out there,

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viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020


FREE guide of Super-foods: https://sub.lifebossnetwork.com/superfoods-1 FREE guide of Herbs and Spices: https://mailchi.mp/6a4003a3692c/herbsandspicesfree Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals, and they are needed in small amount in the body. However, this doesn't make them less important than macronutrients. For the contrary, they are very important for most of the important functions in cells and tissues. In these series of nutrients, I would like to start talking about micronutrients and their basic concept. What are micronutrients? Are micronutrients important? Do you really need micronutrients? How much micronutrients you need? Let's dive deep into this and start by learning the basic concepts in a way that will help you understand better. Micronutrients (Instagram and Youtube) #NICHE #HEALTH Music: LifeBoss Network- Bensound Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com/www.lifebossnetwork.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman Email: contact@lifebossnetwork.com ** JOIN MY 'COACHING PROGRAM" HERE ** http://www.lifebossnetwork.com/programa-de-regeneracion-celular/ Suggested video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WnpSB14nDM GET MY FREE GUIDE OF 9 STEPS OF SUCCESS FREE HERE: http://bit.ly/2sbusPk

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2020

Hypnosis and Fertility

Hypnosis and Fertility

I started my quest with hypnosis after meeting with a great woman, who is a hypnotist in Houston. Her name

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Why the LifeBoss system can change lives?

LifeBoss Network is a program dedicated to produce inner, long-lasting, and sustainable changes in patients. It is about allowing you to live a happier life, and to improve your chronic illness. Disease makes you feel miserable. Nobody wants to go through that. For that, we do whatever it takes to get better. This system helps you accomplish that. Just have a look to my program that it has been designed after years of research and hard work. I just found the quickest and easiest way to face the disease and say goodbye to it for good. Why the lifeboss system can change lives? (Youtube and Instagram) #NICHE #SALUD MusicA: LifeBoss Network, Bensound Video edited by Coleman Digital Services MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com-www.lifebossnetwork.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman Email: contact@lifebossnetwork.com ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE LIFEBOSS ACÁ ** http://www.lifebossnetwork.com/programa-de-regeneracion-celular/ Video sugerido: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_RviMT-TUI GET MY FREE GUIDE OF 9 STEPS OF SUCCESS FREE HERE: https://mailchi.mp/942e2105546b/freeebooklucycolemanlife

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020

10 things patients undergoing fertility treatments should not listen to.

10 things patients undergoing fertility treatments should not listen to.

  It is already hard to decide to undergo a fertility procedure. Long waits at the clinic, facing difficult tests,

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Hypnosis for the treatment of chronic illness

Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of disease, and now we know that there is plenty of evidence of the many benefits of the use of this technique for the treatment of chronic illness. It requires of a person with knowledge on how to access the sub-conscious mind, and gain the trust of the conscious mind to find the root cause of the disease. I have been talking about it a lot, and today I wanted to expand a bit more on this subject. Hypnosis for the treatment of chronic diseases (Instagram and Youtube) #NICHE #HEALTH Music: LifeBoss Network- Bensound Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com/www.LifeBossNetwork.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY LIFEBOSS PROGRAM HERE ** http://www.lifebossnetwork.com/cellular-regeneration-program/ Suggested video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ycta0VmaZE&t=1s GET MY FREE GUIDE OF 9 STEPS OF SUCCESS FREE HERE: https://mailchi.mp/092c4f5c2fdb/stepstosuccessfree GET MY FREE LIST OF HERBS AND SPICES HERE TO ACTIVATE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: https://mailchi.mp/6a4003a3692c/herbsandspicesfree GUIDE OF THE BEST SUPERFOODS: https://sub.lifebossnetwork.com/superfoods-1

sábado, 10 de octubre de 2020

Astral City. Where are we going to?

Astral City. Where are we going to?

There are reasons and sense for everything in life and the afterlife. I just watched this movie and think everyone

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3 things fertility patients need to know

To go through infertility can be difficult for many, specially if you find it hard to know what to do at the beginning of your journey. I have always said to my patients that the results are a direct consequence of how the fertility experience was. Let me explain: if you experience gets to be negative, and your communication with your team involved is poor, your body will shut down and find it hard to respond to anything. The same happens if you take control over your outcomes, by preparing your mind and body for what is coming. I am explaining to you about 3 important things that you can do to increase your chances of success. 3 things fertility patients need to know (Instagram and Youtube) #NICHE #FERTILITY Music: LifeBoss Network- Bensound Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com/www.LifeBossNetwork.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY LIFEBOSS PROGRAM HERE ** http://www.lifebossnetwork.com/cellular-regeneration-program/ Suggested video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxL6VItVSek GET MY FREE GUIDE OF 9 STEPS OF SUCCESS FREE HERE: https://mailchi.mp/092c4f5c2fdb/stepstosuccessfree GET MY FREE LIST OF HERBS AND SPICES HERE TO ACTIVATE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: https://mailchi.mp/6a4003a3692c/herbsandspicesfree GUIDE OF THE BEST SUPERFOODS: https://sub.lifebossnetwork.com/superfoods-1

3 tips importantes para pacientes de fertilidad

Los pacientes de fertilidad pasan por muchas experiencias y usualmente todas juntas. Son muchas emociones mezcladas y demasiada información. A veces es abrumador. Hay ciertas cosas que se pueden hacer para disminuir la posibilidad de que algo salga mal, y que definitivamente van a tener un efecto positivo en los resultados si se toman en cuenta. Les hablo de tres consejos o tips que les ofrezco a los pacientes de fertilidad que comienzan a embarcarse en este viaje de búsqueda de su bebe. 3 tips importantes para pacientes de fertilidad (Instagram y Youtube) #NICHE #FERTILIDAD MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com-www.LifeBossNetwork.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman Email: contact@lifebossnetwork.com ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE LIFEBOSS ** http://www.lifebossnetwork.com/programa-de-regeneracion-celular/ GUIA GRATIS DE HIERBAS Y SEMILLAS CON PODERES NUTRITIVOS Y SANADORES: https://mailchi.mp/6a4003a3692c/herbsandspicesfree Video sugerido: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSOSZO_OrJo

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020

Alternative therapies for the management of chronic diseases

After many years practicing medicine and now combining it with other alternative therapies, I've discovered a new and healthier approach for the management of chronic diseases. I strongly believe now that nature has many great elements that have been created to heal us, we just need to know how and what to use. There is a number of alternative therapies that I like to use and recommend to my patients. Here a few of them. Alternative therapies for the management of chronic diseases (Youtube) #NICHE #HEALTH #ALTERNATIVE #THERAPIES #CHRONIC #DISEASES Music: LifeBoss Network- Bensound Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com/www.Lifebossnetwork.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY LIFEBOSS PROGRAM HERE ** http://www.lifebossnetwork.com/cellular-regeneration-program/ Suggested video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo84ogqkLgQ GET MY FREE GUIDE OF 9 STEPS OF SUCCESS FREE HERE: https://mailchi.mp/092c4f5c2fdb/stepstosuccessfree GET MY FREE LIST OF HERBS AND SPICES HERE TO ACTIVATE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: https://mailchi.mp/6a4003a3692c/herbsandspicesfree GUIDE OF THE BEST SUPERFOODS: https://sub.lifebossnetwork.com/superfoods-1

Terapias alternativas para el manejo de enfermedades crónicas

Existen otras formas alternativas que contribuyen y han mostrado mejorías en muchas de las enfermedades crónicas que evidenciamos hoy día. Sobre todo énfasis en "hoy día" donde seguimos viendo aumentos de diabetes, enfermedades cardíacas, cancer, fibromialgias, obesidad, y muchas otras enfermedades que se han convertido en comúnes. Teniendo los métodos de como poder luchar contra ellas y el conocimiento de como nuestro organismo responde a cambios en los hábitos, es posible lograr mejorías enormes. Lo he visto y lo sigo viendo en mi práctica diaria. Les he realizado este video comentándole acerca de las terapias alternativas que he visto que funcionan muy bien y tienen efectos positivos en el manejo de enfermedades crónicas. Terapias alternativas para el manejo de enfermedades crónicas (Youtube) #NICHE #SALUD #TERAPIAS #ALTERNATIVAS MIS REDES SOCIALES: Website: https://www.lucycolemanlife.com-www.lifebossnetwork.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman Email: contact@lifebossnetwork.com ** UNETE A MI "PROGRAMA DE LIFEBOSS ** http://www.lifebossnetwork.com/programa-de-regeneracion-celular/ GUIA GRATIS DE HIERBAS Y SEMILLAS CON PODERES NUTRITIVOS Y SANADORES: https://mailchi.mp/6a4003a3692c/herbsandspicesfree Video sugerido: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efUYrhwEchs