Fertility Online is a different fertility blog, it shows information about scientific, medical facts and ongoing research. It has been possible to link Human Reproduction with physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, quantum mechanics, mathematics, ethics and philosophy.
Autobiography of a Yogi | Review by Lucy Coleman. Amazon Review: This quality paperback edition of Autobiography of a Yogi from Self-Realization Fellowship includes a bonus audio CD with clips from SRF’s rare archival recordings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Autobiography of a Yogi is at once a beautifully written account of an exceptional life and a … Continue reading »
“When I see into the stars, it gets easier for me to understand most of the answers still out there, in the universe around us”. I wake up everyday early in the morning, drink a large glass of water, watch some news, run for 10 minutes, get my breakfast, and head on to the clinic. … Continue reading »
The Skinny Rules: The Simple, Nonnegotiable Principles for Getting to Thin | Review by Lucy Coleman. Comment: Bob Harper has been my trainer guru. A friend recommended me his book a few years ago, and my life changed. I feel I live with his rules in my head all the time. I learned to respect … Continue reading »
In occasions we have to make decisions that will definitely impact the future of the world in many ways. Some people argued that being gay comes with genetics. There is a great article about this topic I would like to refer to ( In this study Kenrick Vezina makes a pretty good work at understanding … Continue reading »
For the last couple of years I have developed this interesting theory. Many of you might think is a very improbable theory, and perhaps that it might not make good sense in terms of science and objectivity as for some it might be going deep into philosophy. However, my theory I am sure … Continue reading »
Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon´s Journey into the Afterlife | Review by Lucy Coleman. A Scientist’s Case for the Afterlife… Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are … Continue reading »
Skinny Meals: Everything You Need to Lose Weight-Fast! (Skinny Rules) | Review by Lucy Coleman. Comment: This is exactly a how-to-book. It is a continuation of the first book about the skinny rules and covers again his skinny rules with recipes and ways to learn how to stick to those. As quoted in amazon: In … Continue reading »
Clinical Reproductive Medicine and Surgery | Review by Lucy Coleman. This is an oldest edition but it is one of my favourite ones. This book was my guide through all my learning about the scientific and medical field in human reproduction. I believe every future specialist should have it. This book it is not easy … Continue reading »
A challenge you think? Well no. It is not a challenge. It is actually easier than what you’ve been thinking. It is a matter of attitude towards life. I usually encounter patients and friends who complaint too much about their lives. Because they do not like their jobs, because they do not like the partner … Continue reading »
The arnica salve is a great miracle product used to alleviate most of the symptoms that appeared during and after the fertility procedure. Arnica is a well-known natural remedy for bruises, inflammations, pains, arthritis, stress, hair loss, and many more. This arnica salve comes in a very nice practical presentation of 1.5 oz. It can be easily slipped into a handbag, purse, pocket or inside your fertility spa carrier bag. This arnica salve has been carefully prepared with natural products. Is 100% an organic preparation. It contains infused oils using chamomile, calendula, and lavender. These oils promote healing, and have great properties in calming and relieving stress. The infused oils have been carefully prepared for days to get most of the concentrated end products to be used in the salve. It also contains natural vitamin E as preservative, which prevents water loss from the skin, and helps it to retain its natural moisture during the day. Vitamin E is also used for its anti-aging properties because of its antioxidant properties. At room temperature the salve becomes semi-solid, and it makes easier to apply onto the skin than oils, using healing ingredients like arnica and infused oils. During the fertility treatment there is a continuous use of hormones and medications for a while that might have secondary effects on the skin, muscles, nervous system, and in other systems of our bodies. Patients commonly complaint of soreness and inflammation. The use of arnica salve alongside the use of hormones and medications has decreased these side effects exponentially. Also the use of the salve after the appearance of the side effects alleviates greatly the symptoms. The concentrated oils have strong properties as stress relievers, and their use moderates the general mood. More information: http://www.fertilityspa.net info@fertilityspa.net
Yoga is one of the six fundamental systems of Indian thought, collectively known as Darsana. It can mean sight, view, interpreted as a view inside ourselves. Another meaning of Yoga is “to attain what was previously unattainable”, something that we are unable to do today. Yoga is the change we accept in our lives … Continue reading »
When it comes to fertility treatments it is really hard to make choices or to know when it is time to step back and reconsider what we are doing. Most patients are so focused in having a successful treatment that they spend most of their time planning how to make it possible. I understand this … Continue reading »
Bob Harper: Pure Burn Super Strength | Review by Lucy Coleman. This is a great routine for people looking to loose weight on a healthier way Amazon Review: Bob Harper: Pure Burn Super Strength No muscle goes untrained. A Get Cut Revolution for the upper body, lower body and core. 35 power surging moves, set … Continue reading »
Biological Thermodynamics | Review by Lucy Coleman. I wrote an interesting article regarding thermodynamics thanks to this book. I am glad Dr. Donal Haynie took the time to make notes of so many biological events and their relationship with physics and thermodynamics. He related most of the biological events with the reason of biophysics. This … Continue reading »
Genetics in Fertility by Lucy Coleman Genetics are a contributing factor in up to 10 percent of couples who experience infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss. Genetic testing is a type of medical test that identifies changes in chromosomes, genes, or proteins. The results of a genetic test can confirm or rule out a suspected genetic … Continue reading »
Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques | Review by Lucy Coleman. This is a book that every student in the scientific or medical field, with high inclinations in the fertility area should have. It is very comprehensive and Dr. Gardner has paid lots of attention to several important factors involved in the laboratories of reproduction. It … Continue reading »
Kevin Cox.. Entradas relacionadas con global + económico (250-300 de 2031) (0.nnYou ver el producto que Numis tiene así como el que usted recibirá en su auto-ship cada mes isMoney! Quién no quiere recibir una oz. de plata sobre una base mensual en su mailboxh no una moneda http://www.numismaticamericana.com/ del lingote de plata. Pero un cierto respeto les que banderas. Esto determinaría también la bonificación o desventaja para incorporarse a un club de clasificación. Pero banderas tienen un cierto respeto les concede. No a mucha gente quejarse tienen un montón de plata y oro de mentira around.nnApiece construcción oro desde una intersección de la hoja de la aleación preciosa ha demostrado dos puntos: la cantidad de dorados y luego la considere numismático (para amarillo lingotes observada esquinas, podría honorable ser un rico evaluar la dimensión en el platino en proporción). Ruddy también puede ser aceptable. Para más detalles sobre el cuidado de sus monedas e ideas sobre qué recoger, visite el sitio web de la menta canadiense real en www.nnThere breve acuñación de la moneda del dólar de plata paz en 1965 usando las monedas llevan el año 196 por una razón u otra, sin embargo, estas monedas fueron ni circuló para el público ni algunos de sus ejemplos liberados. Las monedas son a menudo objetos de arte, replicando la historia o eventos de su área geográfica específica dentro de un tamaño diminuto. Monedas tienden a ser objetos de arte, replicando la historia o eventos de su área geográfica específica dentro de un tamaño diminuto. . A petición, la mayoría le enviará una oferta de prueba gratuita issue:.nnSuperfine 2 casas y 3 cama unidades por: akansha tyagi - excelente infraestructura mantiene en y alrededor de la ubicación, debido hacia proximal tienen fama y sectores de servicio nacional e internacional con su R & amp D centro s residió en este lugar de Soothe. La bandera de Escocia puede ser un buen modelo para conseguir una más salada que representa la Cruz numismatic gold del St. el Estados Unidos de América mentas monedas lingotes de oro y plata y conmemorativas. Tirar en la basura. Artes y entretenimiento RSS Feed - RSS Numismatic Museum of Aruba feed para que este comienzo de author.nnYou ver la creación que tiene Numis y también la que simplemente usted recibirá en su nave de auto en un isMoney base mensual! Quién no quiere recibir una onza de plata cada mes dentro de su mailboxh no una moneda del lingote de plata. Pero banderas tienen un cierto respeto les concede. Mucho mayor de escuchar a otras personas o algún otro creencia que debería escucharte. Pero un cierto respeto les que banderas. La moneda más pesada para ser minted será el 1000Mohur, una moneda de oro pesa casi 12 kilograms.nnFor todo el mundo:. Bajos costos de venta. Walton muestra 1913 libertad cabeza níquel vendido en subasta en 25 de abril de 2013 en Schaumburg, Illinois por Heritage Auctions para $3.172.500. . Cuatro de las famosas monedas están realmente en manos privadas".
I went through a very rough time a few weeks ago. Was very ill and unable to perform my work properly, reason why I decided to get a few weeks completely off. My illness increased some of my psychological symptoms of claustrophobia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and even panic attacks developed as consequence of the awful … Continue reading »
Visitanos en http://www.fertiaguerrevere.com En Youtube: https://goo.gl/s0hqAG y https://goo.gl/RiV4KN Algunos Testimonios Nuestro hijo, fruto de muchos años de esfuerzo, constancia, sacrificio y muchas lágrimas. Un buen día llegamos a la Unidad de Fertilidad FERTIAGUERREVERE y fuímos atendidos por las Dras. Carmen Navarro y la Dra. Lucy Coleman quienes nos trataron excelentemente bien y nos hicieron realidad nuestro sueño. Muchas Gracias!! //------------------------------------------------------------ En algún momento perdimos la esperanza de lograr nuestro embarazo. Luego de visitar muchas clínicas finalmente decidimos acudir a Fertiaguerrevere. El cambio fue del cielo a la tierra. El equipo de Fertiaguerrevere es único, todos son excelentes, y nuestra querida Doctora Navarro fue lo mejor que pudo sucedernos. Una doctora profesional, dedicada y con ganas de ayudar. Recomendamos 100% esta clínica y todo su equipo. Gracias” //---------------------------------------------------- “Cuando llegamos a Fertiaguerrevere creímos que los milagros existen. Todo el equipo nos prestó su colaboración desde el principio, nos trataron con respeto y consideración, y nos dieron nuestro regalo mas deseado de ser padres. Somos muy felices y gracias al trabajo fuerte del equipo y de nuestra querida Doctora Carmen Navarro, nunca podremos agradecerle lo suficiente todo lo que ha hecho por nosotros. La amamos. Gracias” //------------------------------------------------ “Algún día podré agradecer todo lo que han hecho por mi y darme mi sueño de ser madre. Pensé que no sería posible después de visitar tantos médicos y ahora lo he logrado. Gracias a todo el equipo y su valiosa colaboración siempre conmigo, la paciente que tuvieron conmigo y las ganas de lograr el objetivo de hacerme mama. A la Dra. Navarro le digo que Dios me permita poder agradecerle siempre lo inmenso que hizo en ayudarme con mi sueño, su calidad humana y entrega fueron mi empuje siempre. Gracias a todos por haber estado conmigo y darme esperanzas de nuevo”. Carolina R. //----------------------------------------------------- “Me encanta el grupo de Fertiaguerrevere, son entregados, dedicados, responsables y honestos. Si pones tu salud y tu fertilidad en sus manos con fe ellos te embarazan segurísimo! Lo hice y lo logramos. Gracias” Rosa C. //---------------------------------------- “Cuando llegué a Fertiaguerrevere me encontraba derrotada, ya no sabía que mas hacer ni a quien mas acudir. Me diagnosticaron de todo y de paso me dijeron que necesitaba donante de óvulos. La Dra. Navarro me permitió realizarme un FIV con óvulos míos y óvulos donados. Me pusieron embriones con óvulos míos y lo logré, soy mama feliz y exitosa. Este equipo fue el único que me entendió y escuchó lo que yo necesitaba escuchar y era que yo podia intentarlo con mis óvulos nuevamente y lograrlo. Gracias a todos de verdad. Les mando besos y abrazos”. G. Parra //-------------------------------------------------------------- Visitanos en http://www.fertiaguerrevere.com En Youtube: https://goo.gl/s0hqAG y https://goo.gl/RiV4KN
Once I met a man who was an excellent person, he exceeded everybody’s expectation of being clever, human, humble, terribly handsome and rich. It was the perfect combination. For me it was peculiar to find him alone and with no many friends around in his life. The day I met him we … Continue reading »
You may in addition follow me on Facebook. . and the reason why is just partly due to pregnancy prevention--the quality associated with the ova cue fertility monitor act is planning to be the actual reason you have to execute the particular union.
It's difficult for an individual as self-absorbed as Voss to become able to realize that retarded individuals really can end up being an outstanding availability of joy. ovulation-calculator. Absolutely No doubt, raising any handicapped little one can always be a challenge. There are a few lubricants that will reduce fertility.
It is most beneficial to always be able to turn out to be double- as well as triple-cautious during which point when you're capable for you for you to get pregnant. 1 invested his or her period selflessly creating up, whilst one additional selfishly destroyed. So, I read some other content articles by Voss, plus it wasn't until I learn about her abortion that will I realized the lady wasn't as transparent as the woman's contrived image suggests.
*Find out if you've just about any nutritional deficiencies, like Vitamin D or even Iron. (To end up being fair, a quantity of say Marie Claire pushed your ex also hard using impossible deadlines. 1 month, 3 weeks ago.
I had been carrying out a little research in this very subject and found in which it is achievable to obtain negatives best fertility drugs each as well as every one of just how approximately 16 DPO right after that suddenly get a positive. Proteins consist associated with 21 distinct amino acids however, your entire body only helps make 12 of them. Voss's "easiest selection I at any time made" ended up getting to contemplate the straightforward approach out. 1 spent his or her moment selflessly constructing up, whilst one other selfishly destroyed. You might also comply with me about Facebook.
Remember fertility friend bfp charts any time your current pregnancy test says you can potentially acquire outcomes approximately 5 days prior to the time period arrives that they're assuming that you simply merely ovulated on day 14 of your monthly cycle. Another 9 essential amino acids need being consumed once you consume particular plants. sources regarding zinc contain black-eyed peas, green peas along with potatoes. limit caffeine intake.
Getting pregnant, regarding some women, could be as straightforward as 1-2- for others, certainly not consequently much. In the actual event that you're looking to obtain pregnant, nevertheless they tend to be encountering problems. Apparently, destroying living of the girl youngster (because it was likely to turn out for you to be born handicapped) wasn't adequate regarding Voss. Attempt seeking IB for it (right up there within our nav bar), or maybe among the articles under will suit your current fancy. Attempt searching IB simply because http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/ regarding it (right available around the web regarding inside our nav bar), or maybe one of the posts below will suit your own fancy.
This is a different fertility blog. I am providing information about scientific, medical facts and ongoing research. It has been possible to link Human Reproduction with physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, quantum mechanics, mathematics, ethics and philosophy. Sciences combined together provide valuable information. Being in the human reproduction field can be a challenge. It takes years of hard work and preparation to understand reproduction in a way that makes possible work hand-in-hand with mother nature. My intention is to provide you with a deeper insight into the fertility area. Infertility it not just a disease in our bodies. It is also a disease that came with us when we came to this lifetime, from the non-physical world to the physical world. It can be in our minds, deeply implanted. Some information I am sharing can be overwhelming and difficult to understand. If you have suggestions or questions, it would be a pleasure for me to explain. In occasions information can be confusing, even a bit unreal. I need you to have an open mind and learn from my own experience, which is extensive. I have found many interesting books about science. Books can become a rich source of information. In the last years I learnt many new things. Most of those new discoveries I was not aware that existed or where possible in this world. Like the way embryos behave, even when they do not have a developed nervous system yet. In the last years there have been a number of scientists coming forward and revealing events they lived and have not scientific base. I experienced similar events myself. It is common today to find books written from scientists with reputation, explaining events about afterlife they or someone they know experienced. Paranormal events are quite frequent. However, scientists in occasions choose to ignore them because they still have not the logic scientific explanation. It was not a choice for me to keep ignoring them, because they were happening all the time. It is not something I experienced frequently before in my life. I did experience some situations that were quite different and peculiar. However, for the last three years I have experienced it with more intensity. I invite you to read my articles. Some of them are scientifically based, some of them mixed with a few findings, and some will be very different that the ones you have read before. A few of my ideas and thoughts have been shared to communicate my insights.
As I have mentioned before in previous articles, it is not an easy task to realize the fact of being challenged in the fertility area, and to acknowledge it. Once we know there is something going on, measures should be taken. If you are in a stable relationship then communication is important. It is crucial … Continue reading »
In fertility time is crucial. Whenever you decide to have a baby time will become one of your most precious allies. Through this Ovulation Calculator Online you will have the opportunity to predict the chances of getting pregnant and even it might possible to choose the sex of the future baby. It is important to know when the ovulation will occur during the cycle. Some cycles are short and some long, normally every 28 days. This Ovulation Calendar Online will help you to determine the days during the cycle you will be the most fertile. Find out when can you increase the chances of your desired pregnancy. The results obtained in this conception calculator regarding the fertile days and ovulation days are approximated and might not be exact. The fertility in every woman is completely different, and these period calculator are based in the overall population of fertile women. It is actually very simple to use our Ovulation Calendar. Patients usually like to know exactly the days they are the most fertile, the days they are likely to conceive a boy or a girl, the days they might deliver the baby, and to make sure they can stick to their calendar days. Remember here we are talking about the menstrual cycle. Nature has been designed to be unpredictable and unexpected at times, for that reason it is advisable to allow a few differences when it comes to have exact dates, specially if the patient has a history of irregular menstrual cycles. For those patients whose irregular cycles have been a issue it is advisable to check with their specialists if they are candidates to use this ovulation calendar, because the dates might not be accurate for them. For patients with regular cycles this option is really useful. They can write their date of the last menstrual period, the usual length of their period and the calculator will do the rest showing the date of the next menstrual period, the ovulation days, the likelihood of having intercourse in certain days to increase the chances of having a baby boy or girl. There is also a great tool available of the calculation of the body mass index (BMI) when the patient provides the weight and height. This tool is really good because it will advice the patient regarding their lifestyle and choices. A BMI over the normal range will recommend the patient to try losing some weight, as we know an increase in fat tissue affects fertility outcomes. The same applies for a BMI under the normal ranges, because this will indicate the patient needs to eat healthy to increase the chances of success, and being underweight alters the normal hormonal functioning. A normal BMI will relief the patient regarding the current weight, and will indicate there might be other reasons contributing with the lack of success in their fertility attempts. Age is another important parameter I wanted to include in my ovulation calculator, because it is necessary for patients to know if their age is over 35 years the egg quality decreases exponentially, and this ovulation calculator might not be the right tool for them to achieve success in natural attempts to conceive. For more information contact us: info@fertilityonline.net http://www.fertilityonline.net
In fertility time is crucial. Whenever you decide to have a baby time will become one of your most precious allies. Through this Ovulation Calculator Online you will have the opportunity to predict the chances of getting pregnant and even it might possible to choose the sex of the future baby. It is important to know when the ovulation will occur during the cycle. Some cycles are short and some long, normally every 28 days. This Ovulation Calendar Online will help you to determine the days during the cycle you will be the most fertile. Find out when can you increase the chances of your desired pregnancy. It is actually very simple to use our Ovulation Calendar. Patients usually like to know exactly the days they are the most fertile, the days they are likely to conceive a boy or a girl, the days they might deliver the baby, and to make sure they can stick to their calendar days. Remember here we are talking about the menstrual cycle. Nature has been designed to be unpredictable and unexpected at times, for that reason it is advisable to allow a few differences when it comes to have exact dates, specially if the patient has a history of irregular menstrual cycles. For those patients whose irregular cycles have been a issue it is advisable to check with their specialists if they are candidates to use this ovulation calendar, because the dates might not be accurate for them. Fo more information contact our team to info@fertilityonline.net Our website: http://www.fertilityonline.net
Cancer. This difficult and complicated disease that has increased its onset of presentation, having affected millions of people worldwide, and it does not discriminates between age, race, religion, sex. It is simply a disease that we all come to live with, and our genetics predispose each one of us of having it active at … Continue reading »
Fertility Online video. Created to everyone interested in knowing more about fertility, yoga, Reiki, and several other healthy tools for a better life. www.fertilityonline.net Email: info@fertilityonline.net
I am amazed of how ironic life can be. Anything happens without a cause or reason, there is no luck. Every person that crosses your life has a meaning. Either you play a role for them or they will play a role for you. No matter of small or fleeting your interactions, there are … Continue reading »
It sounds simple, is not. Find true love is something most human seek to get at least once in their lifetime. Some are even obsessed about it. Some loose it, some have it and take care of it for the rest of their lives. Some have not found it yet. Most importantly … Continue reading »
http://www.fertilityonline.net a different fertility blog by Lucy Coleman.Visit also https://goo.gl/s0hqAG and https://goo.gl/EPavyo . . This video shows most of the events involved in human reproduction. As you will see every event is crucial and time-dependant. That is how mother nature operates. I am providing information about scientific, medical facts and ongoing research. It has been possible to link Human Reproduction with physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, quantum mechanics, mathematics, ethics and philosophy. Sciences combined together provide valuable information. Being in the human reproduction field can be a challenge. It takes years of hard work and preparation to understand reproduction in a way that makes possible work hand-in-hand with mother nature. My intention is to provide you with a deeper insight into the fertility area. Infertility it not just a disease in our bodies. It is also a disease that came with us when we came to this lifetime, from the non-physical world to the physical world. It can be in our minds, deeply implanted. Some information I am sharing can be overwhelming and difficult to understand. If you have suggestions or questions, it would be a pleasure for me to explain. In occasions information can be confusing, even a bit unreal. I need you to have an open mind and learn from my own experience, which is extensive. I have found many interesting books about science. Books can become a rich source of information. In the last years I learnt many new things. Most of those new discoveries I was not aware that existed or where possible in this world. Like the way embryos behave, even when they do not have a developed nervous system yet. In the last years there have been a number of scientists coming forward and revealing events they lived and have not scientific base. I experienced similar events myself. It is common today to find books written from scientists with reputation, explaining events about afterlife they or someone they know experienced. Paranormal events are quite frequent. However, scientists in occasions choose to ignore them because they still have not the logic scientific explanation. It was not a choice for me to keep ignoring them, because they were happening all the time. It is not something I experienced frequently before in my life. I did experience some situations that were quite different and peculiar. However, for the last three years I have experienced it with more intensity. I invite you to read my articles. Some of them are scientifically based, some of them mixed with a few findings, and some will be very different that the ones you have read before. A few of my ideas and thoughts have been shared to communicate my insights. The blog is a way for me to communicate. If you have any questions of suggestions please let me know. I will be delighted to explain further. In the consultation section of this blog it is possible to make appointments, in case you are interested on my sessions. These sessions over the year have shown a great deal of success for patients. I invite you to learn how to increase your chances of success with my system. In fertility time is crucial. Whenever you decide to have a baby time will become one of your most precious allies. Using our Ovulation Calculator you will have the opportunity to predict the chances of getting pregnant and even it might possible to choose the sex of the future baby.
Visitanos en http://www.fertiaguerrevere.com En Youtube: https://goo.gl/s0hqAG y https://goo.gl/RiV4KN . . . Nuestra Direccion: Avenida Las Américas con Calle B-3. Terrazas del Club hípico. Torre Médica del Centro Comercial Profesional Terras Plaza. piso 1. Como contactarnos por telefono: Desde Venezuela: Tlf Master01 0212-9753060 (Caracas- Venezuela) Fuera de Venezuela: Tlf Master01 58-212-9753060 (Caracas- Venezuela) Nuestro correo Electronico: email: info@fertiaguerrevere.com . . . La Clinica de Fertilidad FERTIAGUERREVERE era inicialmente conocida como Labofercla, luego en el año 2009 pasó a llamarse FERTIAGUERREVERE y fue mudada al piso 1 de la Torre Médica del Centro Profesional Terras Plaza en Caracas. Fue creada con el fin de asistir en el tratamiento de métodos reproductivos a las parejas que no han logrado un embarazo en forma espontánea. Nuestro Centro de Fertilidad esta ubicado en Caracas y es uno de los centros más capacitados y especializados para el tratamiento de la Infertilidad en Venezuela, Latinoamérica y el Mundo. Los innovadores tratamientos que se aplican, son líderes y garantizan el mayor indice de embarazos obtenidos. La Unidad de Fertilidad FERTIAGUERREVERE cuenta actualmente, con un personal tanto nacional como internacional, de primera categoría; con los mejores niveles académicos y de entrenamiento en reproducción asistida y dedican gran parte de su tiempo a estar al día de las últimas tendencias tecnológicas en el área inseminación artificial y de reproducción. Laboratorio de Reproduccion tratamientosOfrecemos atención personalizada, puntual seguimiento de estrictos protocolos y garantizamos las más actualizadas técnicas en Fertilización Asistida. Nuestro laboratorio de Andrología es uno de los más completos de Venezuela y ofrecemos las más sofisticadas técnicas de mejoramiento de calidad de semen y congelación de espermatozoides. Contamos con el Criobanco de semen, óvulos, embriones y pronto células madre el cuál garantiza seguridad y confiabilidad a la hora de escoger muestras que pueden mantenerse años almacenadas. Los equipos de alta tecnología que posee la Clinica, permite realizar con éxito, procedimientos de alta complejidad. Fertiaguerrevere está en capacidad de resolver casos de Infertilidad en toda Venezuela y Latinoamérica. Tratamos todos los casos con visión de lograr el éxito. Nuestros tratamientos son económicos y accesibles. Como Clinica de Fertilidad en Venezuela nos encontramos entre los mejores.
Visitanos en nuestra web: http://www.fertiaguerrevere.com y en Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGu... Otros Videos de Fertiaguerrevere: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... . . Nuestra Direccion: Avenida Las Américas con Calle B-3. Terrazas del Club hípico. Torre Médica del Centro Comercial Profesional Terras Plaza. piso 1. Como contactarnos por telefono: Desde Venezuela: Tlf Master01 0212-9753060 (Caracas- Venezuela) Fuera de Venezuela: Tlf Master01 58-212-9753060 (Caracas- Venezuela) Nuestro correo Electronico: email: info@fertiaguerrevere.com Clinica de Fertilidad Fertiaguerrevere en Caracas Venezuela . Video Promocional 2016 Les presentamos el tan esperado video promocional Fertiaguerrevere 2016. Realizado con mucho cariño para todos nuestros pacientes y futuros pacientes con quienes juntos seguiremos cosechando éxitos.
The menstrual cycle is by far one of the most elegant physiologic phenomena occurring in the woman. Normal menstruation is defined as the periodic efflux of the sloughed endometrium and blood out of the uterine cavity into the vagina and ultimately outside of a woman’s body. There are many different cultural beliefs, myths, … Continue reading »
Lavender is one of the best remedies for burns, stings, cuts, and irritated skin, thanks to its antibacterial properties. It is also a beautiful and pleasant scent and soothing herb. it calms anxiety, tension, insomnia, headaches, and acts as a mood booster.I recommend to use the arnica lavender salve for patients having stress and anxiety, … Continue reading » Click Here
One day I read someone’s article stating that in this lifetime she could not be happy with any men she had a relationship with, and that she knew perhaps he did not come to this lifetime this time to meet her. By the time I read the article I did not know the things I … Continue reading » Click Here
The article "If I don’t find you in this life, I will look for you in the next one." appeared first in www.fertilityonline.net