sábado, 11 de julio de 2020

Getting back to yourself

Life takes us to many directions. We are constantly faced with situations when we need to chose which way to walk, and sometimes along the way, we might get lost and disconnected from ourselves. Getting back there is the easy part, but acknowledging the fact that we are disconnected is the key, and once there, facing the obstacles to understand the why and the how to prevent it from happening again. Here I am telling you part of my story about getting lost and finding myself again. You might feel related to it. Getting back to yourself (Instagram and Youtube!) #NICHE #BACKTOYOURSELF Music: www.bensound.com Video edited by Coleman Digital Services SAY HI ON SOCIAL: Website: https://www.lifebossnetwork.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lu.coleman Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/lucoleman ** JOIN MY 'CELLULAR REGENERATION PROGRAM" HERE ** http://www.lifebossnetwork.com/cellullarregeneration GET MY FREE GUIDE OF 9 STEPS OF SUCCESS FREE HERE: http://bit.ly/2sbusPk Suggested videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7fODknoBrM

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